Edgar Cayce’s readings mentioned the radiant golden-orange star Arcturus over 30 times and regarded it as the “stargate”—an entranceway to other parts of the universe or to other realms of consciousness:
827-1 “Arcturus, the wonderful, the beautiful! As the bright and glorious light…”
5259-1: “And Arcturus! For the entity has gone out and returned purposefully.” ( http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wr1CcYQeGrYJ:www.edgarcayce.org/are/blog.aspx%3Fid%3D4645+Arcturus+Edgar+Cayce+and+the+Cosmos+by+James+Mullaney&cd=1&hl=ro&ct=clnk&gl=ro)
5259-1: “And Arcturus! For the entity has gone out and returned purposefully.” ( http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wr1CcYQeGrYJ:www.edgarcayce.org/are/blog.aspx%3Fid%3D4645+Arcturus+Edgar+Cayce+and+the+Cosmos+by+James+Mullaney&cd=1&hl=ro&ct=clnk&gl=ro)
137-4 "Also we find the Sun and Arcturus, the greater Sun, giving of the
strength in mental and spiritual elements toward developing of soul and of the
attributes toward the better forces in earth's spheres."
strength in mental and spiritual elements toward developing of soul and of the
attributes toward the better forces in earth's spheres."
263-15 "18. (Q) From the information received from this source, I am from
Arcturian influences. What is this influence in my present experience?
(A) As just indicated, and is as a part of that. For Arcturus is that junction
between the spheres of activity as related to cosmic force, and is that about
which this particular environ or sphere of activity rotates, or is a relative
source of activity."
311-2 "As an entity passes on, as has been given, from this present - or THIS
solar system, THIS sun, THESE forces, it passes through the various spheres -
leading first into that central force, through which - known as Arcturus -
nearer the Pleiades, in this passage about the various spheres - on and ON -
through the EONS of time, as called - or space - which is ONE in the various
spheres of its activity.."
827-1 "In those experiences of the entity in its dwellings in the hills and the
plains of Persia, also in Egypt, the beauties and music of the spheres sang and
brought into the experience of the entity its studies of the light by day, the
joy of the voices of the night, and the star that led the entity - that source
from which and to which it may gain so much of its strength in the present;
Arcturus, the wonderful, the beautiful! As the bright and Glorius light from
same set afire, as it were, its meditations in the plains, so may the
illuminations do the same in the lives of those the entity contacts through its
gentleness and kindness and service."
263-15 "18. (Q) From the information received from this source, I am from
Arcturian influences. What is this influence in my present experience?
(A) As just indicated, and is as a part of that. For Arcturus is that junction
between the spheres of activity as related to cosmic force, and is that about
which this particular environ or sphere of activity rotates, or is a relative
source of activity."
311-2 "As an entity passes on, as has been given, from this present - or THIS
solar system, THIS sun, THESE forces, it passes through the various spheres -
leading first into that central force, through which - known as Arcturus -
nearer the Pleiades, in this passage about the various spheres - on and ON -
through the EONS of time, as called - or space - which is ONE in the various
spheres of its activity.."
827-1 "In those experiences of the entity in its dwellings in the hills and the
plains of Persia, also in Egypt, the beauties and music of the spheres sang and
brought into the experience of the entity its studies of the light by day, the
joy of the voices of the night, and the star that led the entity - that source
from which and to which it may gain so much of its strength in the present;
Arcturus, the wonderful, the beautiful! As the bright and Glorius light from
same set afire, as it were, its meditations in the plains, so may the
illuminations do the same in the lives of those the entity contacts through its
gentleness and kindness and service."
2454-3 "Arcturus comes in this entity's chart, or as a central force from which
the entity came again into the earth-material sojourns. For, this is the way,
the door out of this system."
2823-1 "Not that the sun that is the center of this solar system is all there
is. For the entity has attained to that realm even of Arcturus, or that center
from which there may be the entrance into other realms of consciousness."
5259-1 "And Arcturus! For the entity has gone out and returned, purposefully."
5749-14 "(Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system
dwelling, between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the
entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of
Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or an unusual
step in soul evolution?
(A) As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this as
respecting this very problem, - Arcturus is that which may be called the center
of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes
the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there -
that is, in this planetary system, our sun, the earth sun and its planetary
system - or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual
2454-3 "Arcturus comes in this entity's chart, or as a central force from which
the entity came again into the earth-material sojourns. For, this is the way,
the door out of this system."
2823-1 "Not that the sun that is the center of this solar system is all there
is. For the entity has attained to that realm even of Arcturus, or that center
from which there may be the entrance into other realms of consciousness."
5259-1 "And Arcturus! For the entity has gone out and returned, purposefully."
5749-14 "(Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system
dwelling, between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the
entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of
Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or an unusual
step in soul evolution?
(A) As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this as
respecting this very problem, - Arcturus is that which may be called the center
of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes
the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there -
that is, in this planetary system, our sun, the earth sun and its planetary
system - or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual
5755-1 "And we find that the experience of the entity before that, as Uhjltd,
was from even without the sphere of thine own orb; for the entity came from
those centers about which thine own solar system moves - in Arcturus." (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:O_TS6MXt4-0J:groups.yahoo.com/group/CayceCayce/message/8529%3Fthreaded%3D1%26var%3D1%26p%3D5+cayce+readings+2454-3&cd=10&hl=ro&ct=clnk&gl=ro)
5755-1 "And we find that the experience of the entity before that, as Uhjltd,
was from even without the sphere of thine own orb; for the entity came from
those centers about which thine own solar system moves - in Arcturus." (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:O_TS6MXt4-0J:groups.yahoo.com/group/CayceCayce/message/8529%3Fthreaded%3D1%26var%3D1%26p%3D5+cayce+readings+2454-3&cd=10&hl=ro&ct=clnk&gl=ro)
Reintoarcerea pe Arcturus........
4228-1 m 2285-1 y 115-1 pw....
RăspundețiȘtergere.757-8 ; '' 957-1'' q 3454-3 sau 5749-14....137-4 new 263-15...
> 105-2.
Materia este o forma de energie.
RăspundețiȘtergereFiecare materie are un fel specific de vibratie. Fiecare amestec de materii (aliaje de exemplu) au vibratii speciale ,rezultat al combinatiilor vibratilor materiilor pure ce compun melanjul. Aceasta este valabila si pentru planete si pentru stele.
Soarele are o vibratie dominanta, diferita de cea a lui Arcturus.
Luminile ce vin de la Arcturus sunt deosebit de favorabile oamenilor.
Aici pe Terra sunt miliarde de vibratii...de la firele de nisip ,pana la cele mai indepartate stele si galaxii...toate , toate se combina si se recombina----se fac ,astfe, simtite si resimtite de vietatile ce populeaza pamantul. Unele vibratii, si combinatii armonice sunt benefice, altele dizarmonice ;malefice.
Cum trebuie proceda pentru a selecta, pentru a rafina ,din acest ansamblu pulsator, o anumita gama de lumini ?
Prindem exemplul anticilor si construim piramide. Adica consacram un anume spatiu.....deci il izolam ,astfel incat in interior sa se manifeste doar anumite forte si energii cosmice.
Trebuie spus ca mai sunt si alte procedee.
Astfel de instalatii de rafinare a energiilor galctice sunt, in acelas timp, si mijloace de calotorie....porti stelare....prin care corpurile astrale trec, pleaca si vin....fac turism cosmic.
Fireste sunt si riscuri, fiindca tot prin astfel de porti pot intra in planul terrestru,diferiti ''paraziti astrali''. (din pacate o suma de paraziti astrali au reusit sa paraziteze Terra, sa paraziteze oamenii, si sa se fac venerati sub diferite forme de ''dumne''-zei.------sau zmei (?)]
Biletul pentru o calatorie in sistemul stelar Arcturus se dobandeste prin ....FILOSOFIE ! ! !
Sa-l reascultam pe Socrate......prin glasul lui Phaidon....prin scrierile lui Platon.
RăspundețiȘtergere--- Un adevarat maestru astrolog nu se multumeste doar sa constate relatiile dintre stelele fixe si Om-ul din prezent,ci calculeaza ,si construieste rezonatori,unde ''energiile benefice''' ,care vin de la anumite stele, pot sa lumineze...OM-ul.
Si.....poate sa foloseasca in scopuri terapeutice chiar si energiile ce vin de la stelele ,asa zis, malefice.
Maestre astrolog, spune-mi ce se petrece in Soare, te rog. Am vazut, ieri, cel mai spectaculos apus - un soare urias, orbitor, inconjurat de un halou multicolor. A urmat, pentru mine, o noapte alba, fara ca somnul sa se apropie nici in cursul zilei (asa ceva este fara precedent). In pofida stralucirii intense a soarelui, temperatura maxima a zilei a coborat vertiginos. Ai idee ce se petrece ?
ȘtergereImi amintesc cum era Soarele , la apus, cu 35 de ani in urma.......era ca o minge de ping-pong ,oranj intens....uneori ,aproape ,rosu.
ȘtergereIn 2013 are marimea unei mingi de tenis de camp,si e galben stralucitor.
Cu siguranta Terra nu s-a apropiat de Soare.Este o alta explicatie....in nici un caz nu e vorba de poluarea atmosferei.
Coroana solara este cauza fenomenelor ce le vedem ,noi ,de aici.
Coroana e mai fierbinte,de zeci,de sute de ori , decat suprafata Soarelui..iar interiorul Soarelui este mai rece decat suprafata....
Coroana este PLASMA, care este sensibila la oscilatiile electo-magnetice. Trecerea prin campurile fotonice galactice amplifica reactiile plasmatice. E normal sa fie asa.
In neregula e altceva. Soarele se vede mai mare si mai stralucitor pentru ca scutul electro-magnetic, de protectie, a pamantului s-a subtiat .Chiar sunt locuri unde e ,pur si simplu ,gaurit.Pe acolo caldura se scurge cu repeziciune in spatiul cosmic.
Cunosc cativa oameni ,cu multa imaginatie ,care sustin ca acestea sunt niste supape ,controlate de INTRATERRIENI, deschise si inchise pentru a diminua ''efectul de sera'',poluarea....si radiatiile nucleare ....si foarte interesant !...pentru evacuarea microundelor , generate de telefonia mobila. (se stie ca microundele sunt foarte toxice pentru o anumita rasa umana, si benefice pentru alta,) Pe scurt ;se face un imens efort pentr a se pastra echilibrul ,termic, energetic etc, al planetei.
......Siiii....mai e ceva ; Soarele se opinteste sa faca schimbarea polilor. a inceput-o in 2011 si inca n-a terminat-o.....Asta e de neinteles.
Hmmm... Vorba poetului :"şi tot ce-i neînţeles/se schimbă-n neînţelesuri şi mai mari/
RăspundețiȘtergeresub ochii mei"...
Carei rase umane i-ar putea fi benefice microundele ?
Stii cat de mare era soarele la apus, vazut de mine in ziua aceea ? Cat un bostan urias, incandescent !
Toate rasele umane au nevoie de microunde...adica de caldura, de ceea ce simtim cand ne apropiem de o soba incalzita ...sau de o ceasca de cafea proaspata.
ȘtergereTotusi o anumita rasa adora excesul de microunde....
. Este un articol foarte interesant despre rasele umane din Europa.( Este si o harta foarte sugestiva ,acolo).
Citez ; ''Populaţia europeană este formată din 6 „Adami” iniţiali, iar aceştia au ajuns în Europa în următoarea ordine cronologică:
„Adamul” I, „Adamul” J, „Adamul” R1a, „Adamul” R1b, „Adamul” E3b, „Adamul” N. ''
Nu demult mi-am imaginat o clasificare a fiintelor in functie de APA......de densitatea , puritatea, si de presiunea apei in care vietuiesc fiintele . De pe fundul oceanelor, la suprafata lor, apoi pe uscat , in campie...si pana la culmile inzapezite ale muntilor....unde vaporii de apa sunt asa de diluati ,incat este deosebit de greu de respirat.
Apoi mi-am imaginat cum sunt oamenii care traiesc in medii diferite ,unde umiditatea atmosferica este diferita.
....Imediat am fost captivat de o noua idee ; O clasificare a oamenilor in functie de undele electro-magnetice.
radiațiile (undele) radio
radiații infraroșii,
radiații luminoase,
radiații ultraviolete,
radiații X (Röntgen),
radiații "γ" (gamma - literă greacă).
---Rasa OMului ''radiatie X'' ar corespunde primului Adam, cel numit de savntii paleogeneticieni ;„Adamul” I (adica acei oameni care au rezistat glaciatiunii, in arealul marginit de Carpati , Pind ,si Caucaz )
---Rasa OMului ''microunde'', ar fi ;„Adamul” E3b , care provine din Nordul Africii.