marți, 25 decembrie 2018

General overview of Teleman sieve for distribution of prime numbers.

32 de comentarii:

  1. Avem numere prime ,sau numerele prime liniare ( acele numere care respecta definitia clasică a numerelor prime )
    Avem numerele prime plane ( produs al doua numere prime liniare )
    Avem numerele prime spațiale de gradul unu ( produs de trei numere prime liniare )
    Avem numere prime spațiale de gradul " n " ( produs de "n" +2 numere prime liniare )
    Se potngasi , pentru toate acestea , reguli clarenpentru distributia si ordonarea lor!

  2. I live in a village. This is called Hlincea.
    Probably this name comes from the goddess Hlin.
    Here are archaeological vestiges. Probably the Hyperboreans have conquered these places and founded communities.
    I'm sure you know what an Egregor is.
    An Egregor has a name. This is a secret name.
    The formula that is used for the birth of the name is unique.
    This formula is a password.
    The safest passwords are built with prime numbers.

  3. Hlincea is a village near a town called Iasi.
    The locality is close to a river named Prut. This river was navigating the vichings to the Black Sea.

  4. Between numbers 3.14 .... and 1.618 .... it is a love affair. It is a relationship similar to that between circle, ellipse, and spiral.
    When we build the circle, ellipse and spiral using only prime numbers, the relationship between 3.14 and 1.61 is clearly visible.

  5. An example of Egregor.
    It is built by the Hyperborea priests.
    A magical mixture is made. All the qualities gathered from a wolf, a snake, a raven (animals and birds that serve the god Odin)
    The result is this:

  6. In 1228 Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were united in one country. The country's name was Daci.

  7. A! It is very much to be told.
    What to start with?
    How to make money from premium numbers? ... Cryptography ...
    Or by "naming".( Name your business, product or domain . Read naming tips and more.... Advice for small business owners and entrepreneurs on naming a business, coming up with a name for your business...)
    Music composed according to mathematical laws.
    We have to discover the qualities of the numbers. Each number has a special quality. Mathematics represents much more than quantities and sizes ...

  8. Dacia is a country name.
    The inhabitants were called "Dacians" (Daci)
    The Dacian battle flag is the same as the Viking boat symbol.

  9. The Hyperboreans have mastered the northern half of Europe's continent .... From the Danube River to Lapland.

  10. What is the meaning of your name?
    What is the origin of your name?

  11. About Hyperboreans (this is a name used in antiquity by the Greeks).
    All stories are falsified. In the internet, the correct information is scarce and scattered.
    Here's a map ... this is a genetic study done by a German university.

  12. When I discovered Emanuel Swedenborg I was very happy.
    My thoughts resemble his.
    He is a good example to me.
    Swedenborg's value is greater than da Vinci's or Einstein's.
    The history of Sweden was rewritten by the Catholic Church. The Odin Zod is a great danger to the Pope of Rome.
    Swedenborg's history was obscured?

  13. About A.D.N. I know very little.
    Probably cosmic radiation ... solar radiation strongly affects people living near the pole of the planet.
    I made a connection between prime numbers and A.D.N.
    It's just a philosophical speculation. Intuition says this connection is good, but it's a lot of work to prove it.

  14. A..T..C..G ..... 1..3..7..9 ...
    Any prime number ends in 1..3..7..or 9.

  15. Prime numbers can be masculine and feminine.
    Their sum always gives a multiple of 6.

  16. Combinations made with prime numbers can be clearer than chemical combinations.
    They can be studied easily.

  17. I look at the map ... the haplogrup 1 ... the protocivilization in Europe ... the natives ... they are our ancestors.
    I imagine a map showing the birthplace of genius people in Europe. An example:
    N.Bohr (Denmark), E. Swedenborg and C.Linnaeus (Sweden) ... N.Tesla and M.Milancovici (Yugoslavia) M.Eliade and H. Coanda (Romania) .... etc ... etc. ... Maybe these people have in common DNA inherited from Hiperboreeni (?)

  18. I agree with all these ideas.
    I have to confess my conviction.
    The ancient civilization of Greece was built by tribes from northern Europe (the present Scandinavia). The ancient city of Rome was built by tribes of Baltic origin (present-day Latvia and Lithuania).
    About numbers.
    To understand the qualities we have formed several groups.
    --- NUMBER PRIMORDIALS .... 0 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... and 9
    --- linear prime numbers 11 ... 13 ... 17 ... 19 ... 23 ... etc ... etc ...
    --- prime plan numbers .... 49 (7 × 7 = 49) ... 77 (7 × 11 = 77) ... etc ... etc ..
    --- three-dimensional spatial prime numbers ........ 343 (7 × 7 × 7 = 343) ..... 539 (7 × 7 × 11 = 539) ..... etc ... etc ....
    --- divisible numbers seems 22..44 ... etc..etc ...
    --- odd divisible numbers 33 ... 35 ... 66 ... etc. etc ... etc ...

  19. What are the stars?
    They are like cells.
    A rock comes out of the ocean waves. It grows on a lichen, then more ... a grass grows over them ... then grows more ... over a herb grows a shrub ... then grows a big tree and they multiply until they become a forest ... that is, a galaxy.
    And plants, like stars, are born, grow, and die, each in harmony with mathematical laws.
    The prime numbers are elastic. They can not be broken, but they can be curved, they can be made to vibrate (meaning ... to transmit INFORMATION ... KNOWLEDGE)
    Mathema means KNOWING.
    Prime numbers are like letters, they vibrate, they produce sounds.
    PRIMORDIAL NUMBERS are symbolic images of the Muses. The Muses are the children of Mnemoazine (Memory). This goddess lives in the country called the Hyperborea.
    That's what Apollo's legend says.

  20. A new topic of discussion or a simple question.
    Do you know what a "tonnetz" is?
    Number theory has applications in music.

  21. What should I be careful about? At the Fibbonaci numbers or numbers 3 ... 6 ... 9 ...?
    Or the string of harmonic numbers?

  22. What is "COMMA"?
    It is a very important symbol.
    Comma resembles the number 9.
    This is not a random occurrence.
    Why ?

  23. What is the math law ordering this string of numbers ... Fibonsci's string.?
    All prime numbers appearing in this string follow a mathematical law.
    What is this mathematical law?

  24. I use a metaphorical language now.
    Comma is a portal between two parallel universes.
    A man who loves the cosmic journey must understand the mathematical laws.

  25. 360 ..... 369 ....?
    a circle has 360 degrees (?) This statement is valid in an imaginary world. In this imaginary world, mathematics is one-dimensional.
    In the real world everything vibrates. In the real world, math is multidimensional.
    In the real world a circle probably has 369 degrees.
    In the real world the circle is a toroid.
    Tesla is right when he talks about scalar oscillations.

  26. Numarul 2 este un NUMAR PRIMORDIAL!
    Numarul 2 nu este un numar prim.
    Toate numerele prime liniare si toate numerele prime spațiale au locuri "unice" in ciurul Teleman.
